学术预告:Temporal Psycho visual Modulation: a new paradigm of information display
作者:lyy星空体育        发布时间:2019-09-28        点击数:

题目: Temporal Psycho visual Modulation: a new paradigm of information display

报告人: Xiaolin Wu, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McMaster University

时间: 2019年9月29日14:30-16:30



         We report on our pioneer research of temporal psycho visual modulation (TPVM): a new paradigm of information display. TPVM can greatly extend the utility and enrich functionality of optoelectronic displays, by exhibiting different images to different viewers all on the same physical display medium without interferences.  In TPVM, a display of high refresh rate optically emits so-called atom frames, which are computed via non-negative matrix factorization as bases for a set of target images; different viewers perceive self-intended images by using display-synchronized viewing devices and their own human visual systems to fuse appropriately weighted atom frames. This is essentially a scheme of 2D modulation in visible spectrum, using an optoelectronic modulator coupled with a biological demodulator.  TPVM has a wide range of applications, including digital gaming, 3D TV/movie, virtual/augmented reality, scientific/medical visualization, security, visible light communication, etc. This work is featured in MIT Technology Review, Science News, and published in the “Exploratory DSP” column of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine.


        Xiaolin Wu, Ph.D. in computer science, University of Calgary, Canada, 1988. Dr. Wu started his academic career in 1988, and hassince been on the faculty of University of Western Ontario, New York Polytechnic University (NYU Poly), and currently McMaster University, where he is a professor at the Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering and holds the NSERC senior industrial research chair in Digital Cinema. His research interests include image processing, multimedia signal coding and communication, joint source-channel coding, multiple description coding, and network-aware visual communication. He has published over three hundred research papers and holds five patents in these fields.  Dr. Wu is an IEEE fellow, a past associated editor of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, and served on the technical committees of many IEEE international conferences/workshops. Dr. Wu received numerous international awards and honors.