学术预告:Intelligent Surveillance and Deep Learning
作者:lyy星空体育        发布时间:2019-06-16        点击数:

Intelligent Surveillance and Deep Learning

   告  人: Prof. WeiQi Yan

报告人单位: 新西兰奥克兰理工大学

      间: 2019年6月21日(周五)下午 4: 00 – 5: 00

      点: 振声苑E206


    Surveillance is being increasingly used for traditional or non-traditional security applications such as monitoring shopping malls and ATMs as well as industrial supervisory use. The decreasing costs coupled with rapid miniaturization of video cameras have enabled its widespread use on highways, airports, railway stations and on-board vehicles. The relevant research in surveillance is moving from mere data collection with manual observation to intelligent analysis of events and actions at a semantic level without intervention of security staff. In this talk, Dr Yan will introduce intelligent surveillance from practice to theory and apply the theory to practical applications, especially the applications using AI technologies and deep learning in surveillance at event level. The talk will emphasize on computational intelligence in observation/perception, learning, presentation and inference/reasoning.


    Prof. Yan received his PhD in computer engineering from the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), China in 2001. Now, he is serving as an associate professor of computer science, the deputy director of Centre for Robotics & Vision (CeRV), and the director of Computing and Cyber Security (CCS) Group AUT. Before joined AUT, he has been working with the Columbia University at NYC (USA), UC Irvine (USA), Queen’s University Belfast (UK), and National University of Singapore (NUS).

    Prof. Yan is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) with the PGCHET certificate from UK. At present, Prof. Yan is working as the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of International Journal Digital Crime Forensics (indexed by EI, ESCI, SCI, etc.), a book reviewer of John Wiley and Sons, IGI global, a proposal reviewer of MBIE of New Zealand. Prof. Yan is a member of the ACM, a senior member of the IEEE, TC members of the IEEE.