学术预告:Towards Self-driving Cars: Test Fields, Visual Odometry, Stixels and Road-surface Analysis
作者:lyy星空体育        发布时间:2019-06-16        点击数:

Towards Self-driving Cars: Test Fields, Visual Odometry, Stixels and Road-surface Analysis

   告  人: Prof. Reinhard Klette

报告人单位: 新西兰奥克兰理工大学

      间: 2019年6月21日(周五)下午 3: 00 – 4: 00

      点: 振声苑E206


    Self-driving cars use various sensors, to be tested on extensive test fields under location-, weather-, and  traffic-specific conditions. One test field (N3T) is currently developing near Whangarei in New Zealand, in  collaboration with the German Air- and Space Centre (DLR) and Auckland University of Technology (AUT). In the context of test field studies, the talk informs especially about computer-vision based components towards self-driving cars. Visual odometry supports exact geo-localization of vehicles on the road, and in particular also accurate 3-dimensional roadside reconstruction, thus improving GPS/IMU-only based approaches.

    Different camera configurations (mono, bi, or tri-nocular) contribute to the options for sensor configurations in self-driving cars. The talk discusses results for visual odometry and stixel calculations (stixels are an important intermediate result within a semantic segmentation framework) for evaluating different camera configurations. It is also demonstrated how visual odometry provides important information for improved road-surface distress analysis.


    Prof. Klette (Auckland University of Technology, Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Quancheng Friendship Award, Helmholtz Fellow) made significant contributions to two major areas, digital geometry and computer vision. He is the director of the Centre for Robotics & Vision (CeRV). Prof. Klette has been working in the area of computer vision for more than 30 years. In 2003 he published with the late Prof. Azriel Rosenfeld of University of Maryland, USA, the first comprehensive monograph on digital geometry. He has become internationally renowned for his work in vision-based driver assistance since 2006. Since 1995, Prof. Klette has been invited as a keynote or plenary speaker to international conferences worldwide. He was an Associate Editor of IEEE TPAMI between 2001 and 2008. He is a steering committee member of the biennial conferences on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, taking place in Europe, and a steering committee member of the Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology.